
Saturday, November 27

The End

I'm giving up , not wasting my life , on a rotten flesh ,
Giving myself life , a brand new start , a fresh new chance .
Not to be anchored by my troubles or worries ,
Breathing new air , exploring new grounds , eating some fresh berries .

This will be my last one , the last thing i'll ever write .
Hope i'll never be back again , no matter its bad or right .
I just wish that somebody will come by me ,
Again , to help me wash away my memories .

Friday, November 26


Where u heading ?
Anywhere , just drive .
But u need a destination .
Just go straight and turn right .

Is there any problem ?
No and please stop asking .
Just wanna help .
Thanks and please keep driving .

I've reached a dead end .
Make a turn back then .
Somethings can be , but some cant .
Really ? I hope not .

Problems with relationships ?
No , i mean yes , no , dunno .
Then , it must be love .
Love is crazy and so unpredictable .

Ok , here u are .
Where is this place ?
We're back to where we started .
I should start from here , to catch back my dreams ...

Fairy Tale

Like a fairy tale ,
That'll never come true .
Like a fantasy ,
Of just me and you .

Wednesday, November 24

Watch Out

The trees have ears ,
To hear all ur secrets .
The wall have eyes ,
To see whereva u go .

So whateva u do ,
Better watch for ur back .
U wouldnt know whats behind u ,
Till u are stabbed .

My Life

Im standing steep ,
Along the cliff of life .

Im falling deep ,
Into the depths of life .

Im shouting help ,
As i fall deeper .
Im losing hold ,
Feeling myself weaker .

Im dying fast ,
Need a helping hand .
Im breathing my last ,
Hope to see my friends .

Im getting blind ,
Cant see u in sight .
Im feeling numb ,
Please light up my life .

Tuesday, November 23

Only You

Only u ,
Only u can cure my pain .
Only u ,
Only u can get them away .

Only u ,
Only u can elate me .
Only u ,
Only u can make me dream .

Only u ,
Only u can bring a smile .
Only u ,
Only u can make me think its all worth while .

Only u ,
Only u can make me high .
Only u ,
Only u can bring me higher than the sky .


Where are my angels ?
Where is my soul ?
Where are my friends ?
Where is my home ?

Who is my father ?
Who are my foes ?
Who is my darling ?
Who are my idols ?

Why is this happening ?
Why are these blue ?
Why is this depressing ?
Why are these true ?

When is my time ?
When are u dead ?
When should i be waiting ?
When are u back ?


I stood in the corner ,
Staring at Adia at work .
Adia was so busy ,
I had no time at all .

I hid in the bushes ,

Watching Adia play .
Adia was so happy ,
Didnt wanna spoil her day .

I followed the crowd ,
Following Adia whereva goes .
Adia was ignorant ,
I wanted to let Adia know .

I was behind Adia ,
Wanting to confess .
Adia was crying ,
I didnt wanna make Adia sad .

I just want Adia happy .....

Desert Rose

Im so lost ,
So lost in ur world .
Feeling the parched throat ,
With the rough of ur sand .

So tired ,
Tired of walking .

Seeking the way out ,
Of this killing land .

Im so stupid ,
Mirage and lies .
When i saw this sandhole ,
A mistake for a desert rose .

So stucked ,
Stuck in u always .
Hoping the rain will fall ,
Curing my thirst for ur kiss .

Last Kiss

Did u remember ,
The first kiss we had ?
It was heaven ,
With embedding impact .

Did u remember ,
The time u held my hand ?
It was so sweet ,
A shiver i couldnt stand .

Did u remember ,
The love that we made ?
It was forever ,
Like it'll just never fade .

Did u remember ,
The last kiss u gave ?
It was just hurting ,
Killing , grave and just pain .

Thursday, November 18


I stood along the copprice gate ,
Wrapped in thick woolen clothe .
Gazing upon the emptiness behind ,
Reminds me of the unfeeling cold .

The trees , like sticks ,
That fallen to the ground , helpless .
The birds flying south ,
To a place where warmth's abundance .

I knock on the oak door ,
Hollow sounds echoed inside .
The freezing me couldnt stand no more ,
But to open the sight of my lovely door .

No reply , no sound at all ,
Nobody's home .
I droped a tear , that froze to the ground ,
As i wander off , myself , alone .

Tuesday, November 16

Things Changes

Im losing sleep , im losing it ,
Im losing it day and night .
Im losing temper , im losing right ,
Im losing with all my might .

I just hope ur happy , even if i ,
Have to lose my own's .
I just wish u luck , even cursing ,
Myself that i'll be alone .

Dun change too much , its not turning u good ,
Its turning u cold like a stone .
Dun be too eager , to beat all ur opponents ,
Its turning u evil and cold .


Left alone on this surface ,
Barely scratching it at all .
Right or wrong i didnt know ,
Poised between a fall .


There are so many other people ,
Who loved and care for me .
But im so blinded by my own love ,
That ive neglected those i see .

Im so sorry that i didnt realise ,
That we had fallen for me .
But my mind's preoccupied ,
With love , my love and it .


My dreams are shattered ,
My love is gone .
My hopes are destroyed ,
My heart is torn .

My mind is polluted ,
My thoughts are not arrayed .
My body is hampered ,
My spirit has gone away .

My ears are blind ,
My nose cannot see .
My mouth is deaf ,
My eyes cannot speak .

My all and all ,
My soon to be .
My so called I ,
Myself is not for me .


Heather light dune ,
With my jo together .
Harry me , marry me ,
I swear its eternity it'll defer .

James , an accomplice ,
Stole my love away .
Into the depths of glen ,
Saul is gone till today .

Don my armor ,
Prepare for war .
Against sam of janes ,
To ken the land is torn .

Toss a louis ,
Or nick a fay .
A jiffy of silence ,
Taffy our names .

Monday, November 15

Starry Starry Night

Sometimes i just wonder ,
Whether the stars are right .
Or they might be shifted ,
To make perfect , this special night .

Nothing was on my mind ,
Just u right by my side .
Paradise was all i could think of ,
To describe this special night .


1 is for that special night .
2 is for us .
3 is for that extra someone .
4 is foreva .

5 is for the group we use to be .
6 is for the fun .
7 is for the special heaven .
8 is for none .

9 is just missing one more ,
Missing one to complete .
10 is the final number ,
To end our final journey .

Sunday, November 14


A is for the moments that ranked first in our lists .
B is for the busy times that we had .
C is for the cuties and all that we've seen .
D is for the droopy times when we're sad .

E is for the energy that we once possessed .
F is for the fury that we got !
G is for the good times we had together .
H is for the happiness that we've forgot .

I is for the u and me , and him and others .
J is for the joker that i've been .
K is for the kings in the poker cards .
L is for the losers from the wins .

M is for the monkey we didnt know we were .
N is for the now , the future and then .
O is for the optimistic mindsets we hold .
P is for the pain we shared .

Q is for the quiet moments .
R is for the rowdy attitudes .
S is for the strength of the bonds .
T is for the tortures that we fought .

U is for the friend that i treasured so much .
V is for the villians that we fought so hard .
W is for the who that i didnt know .
X is for the X in the special moment we know .

Y is the question why ,
Why do u have to leave so quickly ?
Z is the ending of all ,
Should i stay or go forever more ?


U said u love me ,
But u left me alone .
U said u'll never leave me ,
But im now left in the cold .

I know u really want me ,
So i gave in to u .
But only to find out that ,
Ive fallen for u .

I love ur flaws ,
Ur bad habits and all .
I love ur family ,
And everything of yours .

It was a mistake ,
U were just having a crush .
I had mine when i was younger ,
I know ur just in a rush .

Though how much i hate to ,
I still have to let go .
Hoping to find someone better ,
A stronger grip to hold .

The greatest of all love ,
Is to love and to be loved in return .
But this relationship is going nowhere ,
So i should really learn to go .


Come quick !
Eeww ee eee ...
What !? Like u've never seen it ...
Hey ! Watch it ...

Taste good ... hmm ..
Really ? Take more then .
I'll love to heehee
Good , take it .

Ouch ! Watch it !
Oops sorry , i'll watch mine ...
It hurts ...
Aww~ so sorry ... i'll repay

Feels good doesnt it ?
Yeah ... aahh ...
U want more ?
I want it everyday .

I just hope time can stop at this very moment .
Yes , with just me and u ,
Sharing an ice cream
Down the romantic shore .

What ?
I want it ...
Im tired ...
Pls ...

Ok , but u move .
Sure ... i'll love to .
Gosh~ Ur so ...
Hmm... ?

Faster !
U've to do it harder !
Im doing my best already !
But then why doesnt the bike start moving !?

Hatred in Disguise

I hate the way u talk ,
Or the idiotic way u walk .
I hate the tone of ur voice ,
Making me sick at the sound of it .

I hate the look on ur face ,
And the stupid expression hung .
I hate the way u style ,
Lacking originality and personality .

I hate ur silly jokes ,
Or the broken wrist on the loose .
I hate the stupid noise u make ,
Forcing me crazy with everything tipping .

I hate everything of u , nothing i can find any satisfaction .
But i dunno why i love u , just cant get this out of my head .
So many reasons to make me hate u , but none is actual valid .
I just wish for one last thing , nothing difficult like a kiss .

Saturday, November 13


Im just so stressed up ,
With u and ur nonsense .
Or am i just jealous ,
That nobody know of ur secrets .

U left us alone ,
Now calling us to follow .
What u think we are ,
Ur spare tyres after a puncture ?

U might think that ur right ,
Or maybe im wrong .
But ur just simply selfish ,
Not thinking for others at all .

I cant tolerate any longer ,
My choice is made .
Just wanna prevent myself from anger ,
I shall leave this place .

Friday, November 12

My Job

Im a begger ,
Begging for mercy of ur love .
Im a loser ,
Losing out of ur game of love .

Im a hiker ,
Lost in this big big jungle .
Im a dietist ,
Starved by my evergrowing hunger .

Im a plutocrat ,
Overwhelmed by my wealth .
Im a doctor ,
Watching over my health .

Im a scrimshanker ,
Hiding from my duties .
Im a prodigal ,
Nothing , just a spendthrift .

Im an analphabet ,
Ignorant of my alphabets .
No wonder i couldnt read ur messages ,
Those that sent me ur feelings for me !

Sorry ,
Just being me ...


I just wish to keep it going ,
I hope u'll not stop me .
I want it to stop dying ,
I dun ever wish it to end .

I must wait for another year ,
I should rest for the moment .
I could fight my fears ,
I just fear it might shadow over .

I need u by my side ,
I am not some fool .
I want u so badly ,
I wish to say "I love u"

Monday, November 8


After closing the door ,
The true colours show .

After using u ,
He'll leave u for sure .

Dun trust any man ,
They're all up to no good .
Dun be fooled by their tricks ,
They lie , deceit and something's up their sleeves .

Sunday, November 7


I got it through ,
I dun need u .
Im changing my life ,
For someone new .

I need just a friend ,
Or maybe just two .
To hang around with ,
To help forget u .

Im not bothered anymore ,
For whateva u do .
Im through once and for all ,
Of my feelings for u .

Afraid of losing again ,
Though how i wished i could be ,
Again , in love again ,
But i never will seek .

Since its already over ,
I shouldnt waste my time .
Moreover wasting my life over ,
A meaningless lost that i treasured .

A Walk

Its a long way home ,
A journey empty handed .
A far far way to go ,
Like the stairways to heaven .

A step by a little step ,
Foot by foot closer to .
Home , i felt its calling ,
Walking alone by the path for two .

I wished u were here ,
I needed ur accompany .
To walk with me till the end ,
End of days and eternity .

Saturday, November 6


When are u coming back ?
Santa is coming ,
God is going .
And , i am still waiting ...

When are u coming back ?
Osama is hiding ,
George Bush's still hunting .
And , i am still waiting ...

When are u coming back ?
Diana is dead ,
Micheal Jackson's not black .
And , i am still waiting ...

When are u coming back ?
Jerry's out of idols ,
Maia should have stayed longer .
And , i am still waiting ...

When are u coming back ?
Nicole is not married ,
Mel C turning into a fatty .
And , i am still waiting ...

When are u coming back ?
Goh is stepping out of his podium ,
People died in the stadium .
And , i am still waiting ...

When are u coming back ?
Os are coming ,
I am still writing .
And , i am still waiting ...

When are u coming back ?
Phua's are coming back ,
Peace is turning black .
And , i am still waiting ...

When are u coming back !?
Im still typing ,
Im dying ...
But , i am still waiting ...


Now its over ,

After all the times .

Having all the memories ,

Till now , still no fun .

An irritant i might be ,

Now still i am one .

Over and done ,

Joker for none !


When will we realise ,
That we're brothers and sisters ?
When will we see that we are one ?

When will we understand ,
That we're going together ?
When will we see that we've gone ...

Too far , too near ,
Too eager to disappear .
Too far , too near ,
Away ...

Who are we fighting for ?
Why are we striving hard ?
What will we gain in the end ?

It is us that we're fighting in ,
This broken rotten society .
It is the doings that turned us bad .

Why cant we be friends ? U and me ...
Why cant we be people ? Just human beings ...
Why cant we stand together ? Fighting for a goal ...
Why cant we know ...

That we are one , united ,
One , forever ,
One , just one ...

Friends forever ...

Friday, November 5

Shining Bright

Sometimes i just wonder ,
What the stars are telling me .
The sparkles shone across the surface ,
Sending little messages to every dream .

Like diamonds in the sky ,
They shine like the sun .
Brighter in terms of beauty ,
Only hanging like the only one .

I wish , wish upon the shining stars ,
A dream , a hope , just a wish .
It sends my message further than mars ,
To a land where my dreams will be granted .

The stars , shining bright ,
Hanging in the sky so high .
Like a diamond in the night ,
Twinkling twinkling little might .

Thursday, November 4

Golden Tree of Love

The golden tree ,
Once its beauty shadowed many .
Now its leaves are falling ,
Throughout the forest floor .

The flaws are showing , the ants
Are nesting in its wood .
The leaves are dwindling ,
By the bugs of the forest roots .

I stood beside the golden tree ,
And felt it whisper to my ear .
Its sorrow was agonising ,
Deep i felt its fears .

I cried day and night ,
Watered it with my tears .
In the morning it smiled ,
And bore fruits that grew for years .

The fruits were fruits of love ,
The tree had felt when i was near .
Its harvest was the miracle of a dying ,
And its roots held no more fears .

A miracle can be planted ,
If u believe in its strength .
A future can be rooted ,
If u have the seed of the fruit .


I was shocked , i was surprised ,
The person inside me was not ive always seem it to be .

I was scared , i was deprived ,
The person inside me was a stranger i knew .

Who am i ? What have i done ?
I do not know , but its something really bad .
What am i ? Who have i done wrong ?
I do not know , but i am a curse .

The person who ive always avoided to be ,
Was the person i knew all along .
The person ive always cursed ,
Was no other than the person in me .

I didnt know , i didnt thought of ,
I didnt understand , i didnt do what i did .
I dunno who i was , i dunno who i am now ,
I dunno what happened , i dunno me .

Ive become a stranger , im really sorry ,
Ive become someone else , i really am .
Ive become someone i hated , im not who i am ,
Ive become an evil being , im really scared .

Wednesday, November 3

A Song

Listen , listen to the notes ,
See how they fly ? Hear how they soar ?
Look , look at the scores ,
See how they slur ? Wonder how they bond ?

This is my song ,
A song written for u .
U might not know what it means ,
But u can hear the melody tune .

The purpose does not matter ,
The reason is a secret .
The answers can be discovered ,
Only if u play it with ur heart .

This is the only gift ,
A final gift from me .
Uve given me too many ,
Now i just hope the song will be ...

Monday, November 1

Now and Then

I used to take the cherry top ,
Now im taking the cone .
I used to feel the warmth ,
Now im feeling the cold .

I used to reject ur call ,
Now im waiting for urs .
I used to be supported by ur arms ,
Now im just taking the fall .

I used to have u around ,
Now im left alone .
I used to wait for u to come ,
Now i just think i have to go .

Sunday, October 31


I see u coming , i turn away .
I see u going , i happily wave .
I see u laughing , i get so frustrated .
I see u crying , i feel so elated .

Though how much it aches ,
I just hope it would end .
But ending means comes easy ,
So must i wait again and again ?

I see u coming , again i turn my head .
I see u going , again i smile and wave .
I see u laughing , i feel so mad inside oncemore .
I see u crying , my heart breaks , now its torn .

Though how much ive suffered ,
I just hope u'd spared a thought .
But leaving means giving up ,
So must i stay to see how we've fought ?

I see u coming , i wanted u to stay .
I see u going , now ur heart might be broken .
I see u laughing , i wanted to smile .
I see u crying , now ur gone and far .

Though how much ive wanted ,
I just hope u'll know .
But staying means nothing ,
So should i stay or should i go ?

U've given me hints ,
I know i should go .
But it'll keep on running ,
So i'll rather wait on and on and on and on and .....

Saturday, October 30

Still Waiting

When are u coming back ?

Guess not , never , i hope .

Will u leave me a message ?

Till now , simply no .

Why ? Isit me ? Or isit u ?

Im just sorry , i think i was childish .

But why ? Why the sudden decision ?

Ive been thinking ... guess its all the same ...

So , are u happy now ?

I enjoy it more .

So its a different life ?

Yes , a new destiny , ive a life to care !

So u wanna go out , anytime ?

Sorry no , i ran out of cash .

Isit me , u dun wanna go out with ?

Yeah .... so ?

So cant we start anew ?

No , i dun wish to .

Why just cant we start over again ?

Please dun disturb me anymore , k ?

Can u explain ?

How to ?

Like why such a rush ?

Dunno ... sorry lah .

So just leave it all like that ?

Yes , sorry yeah ?

That's all ?

What else do u want ?

So ... its the end ?

Just forget lah .

So , left me in the cold ?


Friday, October 29

My Fault

I was never angry with u ,
Just cant admit the fact that its a misunderstanding .
It was never ur fault ,
Just cant admit that im wrong .

I was in love with u ,
Just afraid that i might fall deeper .

U were showing ur love to me ,
Just cant think its getting sweeter .

Its too late to say anything now ,
For uve lost all feelings for me .

But one thing i do sure know ,
My true feelings for u existed .

Though we see each other any other day ,
I just hope we can be friends .

But im always to spoil it all ,
Faking mad at u again .

Trust no Love

I sit , i stand , im still waiting .
Thats the way i am , what will u do ?
I cry , i shout , i lose my temper and i need
Somebody to share my pain , will it be u ?

Love , was never meant to be .
It was made for u and me ?
Love , so blinded by its light .
Was it made for u and i ?

I believe , one day u'll come
Back into my arms . Coz i'll be
Waiting for ur return , standing there
Facing the lonely blue sea .