
Sunday, October 31


I see u coming , i turn away .
I see u going , i happily wave .
I see u laughing , i get so frustrated .
I see u crying , i feel so elated .

Though how much it aches ,
I just hope it would end .
But ending means comes easy ,
So must i wait again and again ?

I see u coming , again i turn my head .
I see u going , again i smile and wave .
I see u laughing , i feel so mad inside oncemore .
I see u crying , my heart breaks , now its torn .

Though how much ive suffered ,
I just hope u'd spared a thought .
But leaving means giving up ,
So must i stay to see how we've fought ?

I see u coming , i wanted u to stay .
I see u going , now ur heart might be broken .
I see u laughing , i wanted to smile .
I see u crying , now ur gone and far .

Though how much ive wanted ,
I just hope u'll know .
But staying means nothing ,
So should i stay or should i go ?

U've given me hints ,
I know i should go .
But it'll keep on running ,
So i'll rather wait on and on and on and on and .....